Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Autumn Clean

Ok now i'll be the first to admit, and bex will prob back me up, that i aint the tidyest person in the world! If i see something, i'll shove it in the cupboard, or push it under the bed, or generally hide anything HAHA!!

Well Mark has decided to empty all junk out of his house, and decided to do the same in the back office at work! There must be bout 10 old computers that are useless, as Manuel decided to rape them for all the parts before her was sacked for being a mongtard basically!

I have counted so far about 30 empty cardboard boxes to come out of the small storeroom. And poor Olly is trying to salvage any bits off the old computers, and sifting through hundreds of meters of cable seeing if there is anything that is worth saving from the skip!!

The mess Mark left. and me in the biffa bin lol!

Had the first interviewee today for someone to win the chance to be apprentice wiggy! Someone for me to pass all my vast knowledge of Mini-Marquee wisdom!! Poor people!

The lad was called Adam, and he looked so terrified bless him!

Been pm'ing nic on maxxd again today, and she's getting a new job on monday, so unless she decides to top her credit up on her phone, it appears we wont be chatting much :-| Get it done nic!! LOL!! And hope to chat to you soon if you read this :-)

Well i started on a holding page for my website, but my mind went blank! So i think my good mate olstizzle bambizzle is gonna help me out :D Then tomorrow or friday me and him are gonna discuss getting my site live!

After all the mess trying to get Green Street onto my computer at home.... i went to asda at dinner and bought it hahaha Was only a fiver tho! Then i can see the deleted scenes, and One Blood Music Video :D also Stand your ground, which is another extra on the DVD! I really need to sort out my DVD shelves, that have been sat in the back of my car for the last 2 days!! Could do with finding out where the screws went!

OK! So had quite a nice night! Went to footy with the maxxd lads, and we won 4-3! Was a good game between 2 good sides :D Watch an hour of green street before that! Got to ED bout 9, went inside for a drink with Laura, Wardo and Smithy, and Bex and Caz came in with Ollie and John. Bex gave me some cd r's id asked for... Thank you B, also thanks for the money! Hope you aint short :-) Wounded Newcastle lost, and i fear Jackman on maxxd aint gonna let me forget it for a while! Was nice to see b looking well :-) I do still worry bout her! Which i feel is only natural! Or i hope it is lol!

Sat watching the end of green street, with ther massive West ham Millwall fight!! Makes me think... "Why do they do it??"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stevey Harper had his pants pulled down tonight, lol!

Wednesday, 20 September, 2006  
Blogger Wiggy said...

right you! Dont make me ban you from reading my blog mr!

You're ruining it Grrrrrr

Wednesday, 20 September, 2006  

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